Horse Fencing Cost & Pricing Comparisons

Horse Fencing Cost & Pricing Comparisons


Horse fencing is a major investment, and one that you want to get right the first time. After all, the safety of your horses is at stake. Here’s a list of horse fencing options, listed in order from least expensive to most expensive based on the materials needed for installation. If you will not be installing the fence yourself, you’ll also need to factor in the cost of labor for your total horse fencing cost.

$$ - Electric Wire Horse Fencing

High Tensile

  • $1.93 installed price per foot
  • Average life expectancy: 10 to 15 years

Coated High Tensile

  • $1.94 installed price per foot
  • Average life expectancy: 15 to 20 years

Psychological Deterrent Only

High tensile electric wire fencing is the least expensive fencing alternative, but conventional high tensile wire (HTW) alone is not recommended for horses due to potential cutting and puncture wounds caused when broken through by an excited or “spooked” horse.

$$ - Electric Tape/Ribbon Fencing

  • 1-1/2” Wide Equitape $2.02 installed price per foot
  • Average life expectancy: 3 to 5 years

Psychological Deterrent Only

Electric tape fencing is in the middle range of cost alternatives. While visible to horses, alone it serves as a psychological deterrent only and will not contain a running horse. The small conducting wires take much of the strain and tension, which leads to breaking under windy conditions. Sunlight and temperature changes can also lead to wire breakage which leads to the need for replacement.

$$ - No Climb Horse Fence

  • $3 to $5 installed price per foot
  • Average life expectancy: 10 to 15 years

Physical Barrier Only

No Climb Horse fence is a medium-expense physical barrier fence alternative. Keep in mind it will require routine tightening. Also, it is not highly visible to horses and collisions can cause cutting injuries.

$$$ - Wood Horse Fencing

  • $5 to $10 installed price per foot
  • Average life expectancy: 10 to 15 years

Physical Barrier Only

Wood 3- or 4-rail horse fencing is a traditional horse fencing choice that is attractive and sturdy. Boards can splinter and injure horses that lean or run through the fence. Also, some horses insist on chewing or “cribbing” the boards and causing damage.

*NOTE: The additional future costs of wood fencing

Wood fences require more maintenance than other fencing options, which increases the overall, long-term cost. In addition to the cost and labor of painting or staining, wood shrinks, warps, and cracks and will require additional repair and upkeep.

$$$$ - Vinyl Horse Fencing and PVC

  • $7 to $12 installed price per foot
  • Average life expectancy: 10 to 15 years

Physical Barrier Only

PVC fencing provides the traditional look of wood horse fencing and has the added benefit of little to no maintenance. It is a sturdy fencing alternative that provides a physical boundary only. Horses may lean on the fence and damage it and can be injured during any attempt to get through or over it.

$$$$$ - Pipe Fencing

  • $10 to $15 installed price per foot
  • Average life expectancy: 20 to 30 years

Physical Barrier Only

Metal pipe fencing is one of the more expensive options. While it provides a long-lasting physical boundary for your horses, it is not forgiving when horses are pushed against the rails or run into it when spooked.

Read about more Horse Fencing Options


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