Why Education on Agriculture is Important

With National Agriculture Day coming up, it’s important to shed light on one of the biggest industries and bring awareness to the importance of agricultural education. Often overlooked, the agriculture industry contributes to our everyday lives and offers plenty of career and employment opportunities.

Educating Agriculture in the Classroom

By teaching agriculture at a young age, kids can start recognizing how it impacts the world around them and help them learn other important aspects about life. Agriculture is based on the cycle of how things grow, live, and die, which is a cycle all living things go through. It has also provided humans with resources to survive since the beginning of time, and continues to do so today.

Everyone relies on agriculture, whether it be food, fiber, natural resources, or other things. When it comes to agricultural education, it doesn’t mean teaching just about how to farm. It explores and discusses topics that contribute to the world around us. It affects future scientists, nutritionists, teachers, people who want to be involved with the government, environmentalists, and many more professions that could be seemingly unrelated.

The goal of Ag education is to show that agriculture skills, like science, math, communication, leadership, management, and technology, all play into other aspects of the world. At the root of it, it combines applied sciences and business management. It also explores the significant importance of how agriculture affects the world, how agriculture is interdependent with other significant businesses that make up the economic and social structure, and how it meets the needs of modern-society.

Since agriculture is tied into a lot of other subjects, there often isn’t a direct focus in education unless students chose to go on the agricultural path during high school or secondary education. Related fields of study include horticulture, forestry, conservation, natural resources, agricultural products and processing, production of food and fiber, economics, marketing, and more.

Careers in Agriculture

As a prominent American industry, careers in Agriculture make up one of the largest sources of long-term employment in the country. These careers often focus on supplying food products, alternative energies, sustainable living, and contributing to the world economy.

Careers in agriculture often allow people to work outside and give people the ability to work almost anywhere in the country. There is also the allure of being able to work with animals or do some manual labor. Some popular career choices in agriculture are:

  • Agricultural Inspector
  • Beekeeper
  • Conservation Planner
  • Endangered Species Biologist
  • Forester
  • Wildlife Officer
  • Botanist
  • Forest Ranger
  • Landscaper
  • Wildlife Inspector

These are just a few of many career choices. When it comes to agriculture, the possibilities are endless. With new technology and new ways of doing things, the field is ever-changing and always has plenty of new opportunities.

Supporting Agriculture

At Zareba® we want to support those in agriculture. Are you involved in the agriculture industry? Tell us about it on our Facebook Page, plus, connect with others that have careers in the industry. At Zareba®, we supply electric fencing for people in the industry to keep their livestock safe and sound. Sign up for our e-newsletter to stay up to date on the latest agricultural news while also learning about our products and deals!

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